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Shopify integration

Adding Trendful as a custom app to your Shopify admin is easy. Here are the steps:

  1. On your Shopify admin, navigate to "Settings" > “Apps and sales channels”  > "Develop apps":

  1. Create a custom app:

For App developer, select your email and then create app.

  1. Configure your app access in “Configure Admin API scopes”:

In the Admin API access scopes section, make sure that "write_products" and "read_products" if you want to connect Trendful Inventory Management System to your Shopify store.

If you are subscribed to the Pro and Enterprise plan, you might also be integrating the Resale App onto your storefront. If so, you should also select "read_themes," "write_themes," "read_customers," and "write_customers".

  1. In “API credentials”, install app:

  1. Reveal and copy the API access token

You will only be able to reveal and copy the API token once. Then share the token access with us by email. Don’t share your API keys and the access token with another organization than Trendful.

If you also want to connect Trendful Inventory Management System to your Shopify store, follow the steps described in this guide.